One part of the SAP Big Data Pavillion in Walldorf Germany, was Pinwheels, a kinetic information visualization that consists of 20 motor-controlled pinwheels responding to virtual winds.

Ars Electronica Futurelab for SAP

20 pinwheels mounted on the ceiling make up the reception committee arrayed just inside the exhibition’s entrance. In contrast to conventional examples of this technology, these aren’t driven by currents of wind but rather by data flows fed in by visitors on site and online at or by various Tweets.  For example is a randomly chosen pinwheel activated through each request of SAP´s webpage or, through tracking peoples´ movements, the pinwheels follow each visitor who is crossing the installation. With this pinwheels, the Ars Electronica Futurelab cites Hiroshi Ishii’s Pinwheels from the year 2000.

I was responsible for the prototyping and production management of the installation. You can read more about the SAP Experience Big Data Pavillion and the installations built by Ars Electronica Futurelab here:

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